Comments on Cerberuff - The Sewage Monster All Comments

hello! I'm trying to make a 'speed dating'animation for my Cerberus, baby, bailey, and piper! I was wondering if I could use them? I will be crediting all the owners of the people who own the characters when it's done. the animation itself will be only sketches. if you do want to be apart of it, please message me or reply with what action you want them to be doing (no talking tho unless you want to send the voice lines)!

baby, bailey and piper

tysm! delete this comment if you're not interested, it's fine! (and the characters will not actually be shipped, unless I ask you, which this message I'm not)

Omg I'm so sorry I didn't see this until now. I completely forgot I has a toyhouse account last year   A pandemic is not good for one's memory haha.

You've probably already made the animation by now with different characters, and have moved on to other things, however you are absolutely free to use Cerberuff. You can use the design in whatever project you'd like to from here on out, I don't mind in the slightest. So long as you credit that I own the design (as you said you would do), you can go nuts. I will not prevent you from having fun with their character   

I apologise for unintentionally ignoring you, I feel so bad.