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Hi!! It's been a bit so I just wanted to check in and see how things are going!   

Heyo! Sorry for the long wait! I'm currently doing like a massive wave of custom/art and I'm arriving at yours (sorry if my wording is crap, english isn't my first language ;-; )

I'm still interested in the bean and I haven't forgotten your Mary >:D !!

It's no problem at all, I just wanted to check in!! Thank you for letting me know!     

Hi!! Just wanted to check in again, while I was thinking about it! :D

Heyo! I'm very sorry to say this now after months of waiting, but since I started my final animation project at school, my mental health has been declining.

I apologize to tell you that after all this time and I wouldn't be surprise if you hate me after that. I really wanted to make art and have the bean, but I'll pass it to someone else who's more competent.

Again, I'm sorry.

Have a good day bud.

It's totally okay, I swear there's no hard feelings at all! Thank you for letting me know, and I sincerely hope that things get better for you soon! Sending you all the good vibes I can   

Thank you for understanding