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yeah eep rip ;-; that’s great to hear :0 I’ve been doing okay, thanks for asking!! what have you been up to these days m8? :0 

Ah, not much. Some stuff happens here or there, I went on an 8 mile walk today that took us 4 hours to get there and back (It’s 12:15 am right now) and I have swimming so I’m gonna be tired :”)

oop I’m really sorry for the late reply aaa I cleared my comment messages yesterday- and woah :00 and rip ;-; i hope it went well though :0 

yeah!! It went pretty well, although I was tired because we were working on our weakest strokes that day and let me tell you, butterfly is not a good stroke to do when your legs and arms are sore from the day before 😔

thats good to hear!! And oh goodness rip 😔👊