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Hi!! I was thinking somewhere around 40-45$ since hes p sentimental to me! I MIGHT be willing to haggle tho!

So sorry for the late reply!! I always forget to check my TH notifs, my bad xD! 40 sounds fairly reasonable to me! I get paid this Friday so if they haven't been claimed by then I'll check back in then if that sounds good to you? ^^ 

it's totally ok! And sure that's fine!

I actually woulld be willing to go down to 29-30$ for him if that'd be a better deal to get him a lil sooner than friday! But I understand if you can't! (I'm attending a convention and leaving thursday so just tryna get all I can before I go is the only reason i'm offering that kjgfhf) otherwise I can def wait and do 40$ on friday!

That would be super rad!! Lemme see if I can scrape some pennies together xP I'll get back with ya tomorrow or Tuesday and let you know!!


Hi!! Just checking in!

Were you still interested? :o

Yo! I'm super sorry I'm getting back to you so late! I got sick on Tuesday until around friday and completely forgot to check my TH! I'm definitely still interested if you'd still be willing to sell ^_^

2 Replies