Comments on commission opening [open 15/03] All Comments

One question how much does the animated icons cost?? I tried finding your prices but i couldn’t find any ;_; 

sorry about that!! the blinking icons are $15 each :]

okay thank you!!

type of commission: bust-up blinking icons (100 x 100) (1 blink!)

character reference: (there shouldnt be any watermarks but tell me if there are and ill send u one without!!)

pose/expression/personality: Theyre a mummy so basically tried and goofy like a zombie!! 

paypal email: ill dm it to u  if you accept it :D

anything else?: idk if this will matter but ill use this as my th pfp!! i really like how your pfp is and i think id want something similar to that!! idk if it would count as "+$5 for an expression change" but if it does ill gladly add that 5 bucks :3

hiya!! my pfp is actually by Yasukani!! if you want something in that style id recommend checking out their work instead, i havent quite mastered the 'bounce' style of pixel myself ^__^b

oof sorry for late reply!! 

i see…! Thanks for directing me to them :3