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hahahaha omg. he doesnt have a real name cause he never got > enter name'd but i call him Orin after the character hes inspired by, Orin Scrivello!!

šŸ¦Œ:TYSM!! thats really helpful, now i can put orin on his pluralkit! we appreciate you!Ā 

just looked up orin or something similar, interesting hehe! i had never heard of him before this. since i had never seen orin, i thought that abby's dad's design was supposed to resemble a butcher, due to most children (and adults) fear of the dentist!Ā 

i have a question that i asked onyx but she didn't know exactly either: is abby's dadĀ supposed to be an ab*siveĀ father? onyx said that from what she knows, not ab*sive, but just a helicopter parent. any answers on that would be also appreciated since i tend to split ab*sive fathers, and i wanted to know if there's a correlation.

nah, his actions are exaggerated for comedic effect. hes not a perfect parent but no parent is! just maybe with a slight fixation on dental health

šŸ¦Œ:ty for answering! thats what i thought, especially with the emphasis on scary dentist (although exaggerated from a child's perspective!) thank you so much, this actually really helps me and my alters to understand all this!