Comments on Myo Egg Trade [Fishraptor] All Comments

omfg this is one of my favorite eggs! Would you consider looking at a possible egg trade? If so, I have this eggy!
 I've been meaning to make a design for them, but I can't think of anything for them QwQ

I would mostly be interested into other CS like Griffia, GYO, Katragoon or Guumi's :)

Aw drats QwQ
I don't have any of those sadly!

Is there anything else aside from those you might be interested in for this egg? ::Oc

Edit: I looked at some of the Guumis that were listed for trade and there's some of them that I might be able to get, possibly? If there's any particular ones you're interested in, I could try and get a Guumi to trade for the egg! 

I rather not want people to trade for sth i might not like ;_;/
Guumi's would be the least i would be interested in <3
And i'm only looking for the things i stated :)

(I would also look for a Voucher for someone to buy me a character? but that's gonna be 150-200$, so idk ;_;/)

ough yeah fair

Good luck on getting something you'd like!