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[sorry for the late response]

i could offer like 3 animated icons + 2 shaded fulls? if u need examples lmk :D

I can for sure accept that, I'll send you the ocs I want drawn in a little bit ^^

Hey so sorry I forgot to respond, are you still down to do this offer

yes i am!!! sorry this took so long for me to respond chjsknjksmd

edit: whenever u see this u can give me the characters u want me to draw!!! im ready :D

Oh no worries at all!
For the two fulls can you draw them together in the same piece, can be something cute/coupley or just as friends whatever you wanna do And

You can draw them in causal clothes or work clothes, whatever works ^^

And for the icons lmk if these guys work 

i can do that!!! ill start right away :D

heya!! i was wondering if i could switch out the last animated icon [the one of pepsi] for a shaded fullbody of them? its okay if not the icons just are hurting my hands pftt-

[btw i finished the one of wyatt + im working on the one of estrello!!]

Yeah for sure feel free ^^

2 Replies

my dumb migranes are acting up so im gonna finish the last art later!!!here's the sketch tho :D

No worries at all take ur time, looks awesome thanks again so much 

finished the last art piece!!! :D


Sending the pc now!


Btw I just wanna say your art is like so cute, I love it so much, if you ever open commissions or see any ocs ya like lmk cause you're art is adorable 

2 Replies