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That deal totally works with me, could you do something of the IC for both? 

If you need any extra info about him I'm happy to supply

Yes sure! And if you wanna give some extra info/requests that’s todally good with me :3

Sorry for the late replies btw our timezones are completely opposite from what it looks like 😭

ITS OKAY I don't mind!! I get the different timezone thing all the time w my friends

If you could draw him like tired or annoyed in either of them that'd be great, and omg I'm struggling to think of ideas. Woops.

But whatever you do I'm sure it'll look great!!

that sounds good thanks for the suggestion:33 I’ll get started on it as soon as possible

Hii wanted to check in and see how you're doing on the art ^^

hi sorry for the late reply! I KNOW this sounds like a massive excuse but the truth is a lot happened to me a couple of days after we made that agreement and I almost had to be hospitalized, so honestly I’ve just been recovering without thinking too much about other responsibilities esp art and stuff. I’m still willing to finish it (I could probably start today since all my classes fell out) but if you wanna cancel I totally understand since it’s taking me so long

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