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I wanna say I really like this lil guy's design ^^ I can't ask for em cause I have no charcters of my own design on th really besides a few redesigns ( it's more of a way for people to transfer charcters over to me when I do art trades ) but I still wanted to say I loved them <333 

you can still ask for em o: sorry if the rule wasnt written super clear, but by "accounts that only have claimed characters" i specifically meant accs with only claimed characters and Nothing else (as in, no original art, designs, literature, anything) you have original art, so its fine o:

OHHHHH ok!!!! I'd love to have a chance to have them! their so cute and would make for a cute lil guy to hide in random places in art for no reason LMAOOO a very mischievous lil guy!! 

alright! :D ill transfer in a sec!