Comments on What is your favorite fruit? All Comments

you're aware scratch doesn't allow depictions or discussion on the topic of kissing 😭⁉️⁉️ 

on the poll: i don't actually like mangoes themselves much (i tried them regularly and it just wasn't it, maybe it's because they were really warm for some reason??) but i could drink a quarter gallon of mango nectar in one sitting (unironically, have almost done that multiple times 💀💀💀💀💀) and i think i could drink a half gallon or even a whole if given the chance

🙁 I just want to draw people kissing… so many people kissing…

Honestly relatable, mango drinks/juice and other ✨deLeCtAbLe ConCocTioNs✨ are delicious but I don’t really care to much for mango itself.

dont we all wanna draw people kissing though 😔 
