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Waaaah wait maybe i made it in a bit inappropriate way but whatever 💔

Magerie dont be scared connor just edited the character with a question of if someone knows your current username my sleepy brain forgot i could just dm to connor

It’s fine I think XD


NWS and connor trust i am working on owed art:D just slowed down a lot due to health and financial stuffz!

i was gonna dm you about that but couldn't figure out the discord XD

i was just going through the characters i have pending for owed art and gifting them (regardless of how much owed art was done or if any was done) if you were ok with me gifting them :D

AAA❤️❤️ i’m so okay with that!!! i think i had two more to do and they’re wiggles so they’re taking hella long😭🙏🏻 

and YA my disc was hacked so i had to make a new one!!!! im imp&skizz enjoyer in forrest’s server now! i had them remove my old acc to protect the server LOL