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I can see them being a rouge for dnd. A tabaxi/demon.

He would be a working for a dragon, serving as an assasian.  

Name- Ren

His parents made a promise with a demon. (aka promising their first born son), wishing for power and forever life. They were granted this wish as part of the deal. When Ren was born he wasn't stright out taken from them. And he was born with odd looks from the other tabaxi's. His parent's unsure what to do left them in the cold waste land for the demon to claim. It did get the attention of the demon. They took him and brought him to a near by dragon's lair. Leaving him to be raised by it. Their plan needed him fully grown. This dragon was known to be caring and would take in anyone. Seeing them as part of their hoard. The dragon became like a mother to him. He was well fed and had other children his age to play with.

Later in life the dragon had their own hatchling. When they left the cave for the first time a group of hunters killed the hatchling. This made the dragon want to bring doom to the humans who hurted her child. Ren wanting to give back to the dragon who saved him offered to do the task. So he trained to become an assasian. Working hard to become the best he could. Now when needed he will go down to the near by kingdom. Planning and killing to turn the kingdom into ruin to get pay back for the dragon they killed.

In the game he would more then likely end up in dragon's are seen as gods so a bit of back story for that

Sorry if any words are wrong. I suck a spelling