Comments on raffle CLOSED (winners rolled) All Comments

sorry bout the late roll fellas, got some shifts changed at work-

but! on to the fun part, the winners ✨

and they are...

#1! Pipsqueak_creates

and #2! Oli_says_hi

just reply with the character you want drawn, I'll send a pm of the sketch when it's done to confirm everything looks in place, yadda yadda-

Alright! Would She be alright?

oooh such a pretty design! yeah I can draw her- I'll get it finished within 10 days!! (also sorry again for the late rolling aaaah)

Tysm! Also it's completely fine I don't think anyone minds (cause I don't)

Yay! Thank you so much for the raffle! Do you think you could draw ic? Feel free to be silly with his design, his accessories are optional, but if you do draw them feel free to have fun with his face stickers and stuff :]

ooh yes I can draw him!! awesome design!!

Thank you! Feel free to take your time