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blackie made Nero into a boomerang. ;-;



Are you talking about a private video that just droped or somthing? becouse my custom notification system just told me NEW CONTENT but i checked and there was nothing there. so im guessing your talking about a priavate video?

No watch the top ten anime betrayals lmao it’s a slightly older video


Custom notification system?

I have no idea what that means so imma go draw Nero as a boomerang 🫡 byeeeee

Opera GX has a custom news section. basically i add a youtube channel and whenever they upload something it says "YO THEY GOT NEW CONTENT". sometimes it falsley says it making me assume it can tell when you upload a private video but it of course cant show it

I havent uploaded a private video in years

Well then i suppose another possibility is every time i relaunch Opera GX it falsley says there is new content because it doesn't store whether something is new or not in memory.

Nero Boomerang : )