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hi! i saw this guy in one of your ufo folders and i was wondering what would you be mainly looking for em?

very picky with em but mostly vouchers art or characters

oooh okok, then would maybe someone from my toyhouse interest you maybe?

- only folder completely offlimits is stories! very tent in beloveds (mainly strict offs in beloveds are elation and guck as one is tradeback and one is account bound)

if no one maybe interest you i can maybe offer any type of art ? depending on the amount you might have to wait abit

ONG I LOVE YOUR ART AND OCS?? Woahhhdhfhshshdhshfg

i quite like this guy but im not sure if i want to trade this character for them.. ill need to think maybe 

otherwise if you are taking offers for decay i could do art/customs + money :)

ty!! and oo decay, ill also have to think about it myself as well since decay is from one of my fav designers (was there maybe anyone else that you liked? :O)

there was a few other i liked but i don’t think id be willing to trade thsi guy for them sorry 😭😭

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