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It’s okay! Tysm for bidding <33 if you’d like I could let u know if I ever see a similar priced voucher I’d do that char for

sure! i'd be happy if u could ping me ^^

Okie, then I’ll do just that if I see any interesting chars ufs I’d finish and do em for <33 can you let me know your voucher price range so I won’t accidentally find something out of ur budget?

Typically around $250 max for upfront payments

Might be willing to go a bit higher if payment plans are allowed depending on how long

Out of curiosity too- would you be open to looking at charscters i aready have to see if any catch your eye? If not nws im still down to do voucher instead🙏❤

I could take a look, sure^^ is there anyone off limits?

Those with the FH tag is offlimits otherwise no

just lightly bumping this