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I’m pursuing the concept art/visual aspect of game design ^ ^ I’m really excited for it actually 😭😭 I don’t have a pc and my Xbox is quitting on me so I only really have A switch atm…

yesss I think If ur ever going to start doctor who I think the newer stuff (as in like 2005 ? the super new stuff isn’t rlly my thing tbh) those epiosdes r rlly good I think… my favorite episodes ever r the almost people and silence in the library

thats exciting!! what games r ur inspo... is it like ff type games? whenever i think of fun visual design/concepts in games i think of silent hill... love the aesthetics of that.

whos ur fav doctor? is it the one during the run u described?


but yes I do rlly rlly like final fantasy stuff but I have this concept art book of ocarina of time and Majorca mask stuff and I look thru it all the time!! I rlly wanna make games so 🙏🙏🙏 I can hope

hehe yeah im excited to see his doctor!! when i get to it..

excited for u!! i believe ull be able to make a game 👆👆👆

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Christmas invasion I’ve watched it so many times 😭😭😭 he’s barely in that one but I just think it’s so funny

ive seen him in other stuff and liked him so im excited to see him in the show! excited to see this episode now since im hearing such rave reviews..

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