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Sure! You wanna choose one more character? :3

Sure! This one please 

markings and bottom design can be flexible so I give full artistic freedom or you can use the two designs I made ^^

Okie dokie! I’ll get them done this week!^^

Hi, I’m unfortunately having a hard time with Hue and Endo, I keep trying but I’m messing up and I don’t wanna mess up the designs. Do you by chance have two others of maybe feral or pony I could try out? I’m so terribly sorry :(

i do have a pony oc but i don't really want art of her right now i also don't have feral character designs i'm actively using i think it's best we cancel this thank you for the offer 

You have any other anthros?

if not I’ll keep trying because I would really love to adopt them.

I do 

This one is my pride and joy I’m always happy to get art of them 

Also this one

8 Replies