Comments on Which of my characters are your faves :3 All Comments Start of Thread Parent

QWQ IM DEAD! rupert is my favorite guy ever SOB hes so cutey patootie. its really nice to hear that my endless love for him is being acknowledged!!

question though, what makes it seem i care for him so much? i DO but i really only just post art of him here, so im curious

HEHE IM GLAD U LIKE PIERCE! hes just a few months younger than ruper :) (in terms of creation!) its really funny to think about their relation AHUAHA pierce took over as fav oc for a little while, almost won oc of the year, but something in rupert just grabbed me and rupe has consistently stayed oc of the year for...3 straight years. sorry pierce.

as for their actual relationship, they...Want to be friends but...they just dont actually mix too well personality-wise so theyre very awkward around each other.

SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO REPLY big replies make me 🥴 butttt I’d say the way you produce art for Rupert and more specificlaly the way you draw him there’s just an obvious care put into it

It’s like the feeling of a home cooked meal you know someone poured love into all day to make extra delicious??? I hope that makes sense but it’s how it feels to me hehe

Also so jealous of your interconnected oc world I need to develop the relationships of mine more !Â