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Hi Harley! *she would smile at him.* so, what are you up to..?

*Harley smiled back as he leaned towards a wall* Oh hi! I'm doing fine today, Just chilling out and managed to get lucky in the occasional gambling I do. How about you Zai?

Hm...Shouldn't You Take Break From Gambling...? I just don't want anything bad happening to you... *she sweats a bit.*

To be fair, I hadn't gambled as much as I used to. I was way worse. *Harley sighed* Please don't worry about it Zai.

I need to get out the habit of caring for you guys more than myself... *she sighs* I'll try to not worry about you..

Honestly. I don't really care about myself besides. I care about everyone who I cared the most... heh. I guess we both have the same habits after all.

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