Comments on Pawns & Pantheons, a Non-CS ARPG! All Comments Start of Thread Parent

Hi there! Absolutely

An ARPG is an 'Art Role Playing Game', while many ARPGs are solely art focused, ours is art, writing, and roleplaying focused.
This means that it is a writing based roleplaying server, with various locations to roleplay within the world, you will interact with other players in a play by post style (unless discussed otherwise! We welcome all roleplaying styles as long as all Players are consenting!)

Now here's where the Art part comes in! (We will consider Art in this case to be Drawn Art, or Written Art, or even Written Art Via Roleplaying With Others!)

In our server we host Events, Quests (World Quests, and Quests just for the faction you join!), Mini Quests, and Similar, by doing these quests via Art, you will earn Moonflower Coins, you can also earn Moonflower Coins by doing art for any character in the Game, (so drawing/writing about your character or other players' as gifts!)

To make our server more interactive and robust, there is an active and semi automated Economy, as an example, to encourage Players to pay mind to their characters and truly develop and bond with them, you need a Soul to create a Character, it's essentially a 'Character Slot' so to speak, every Player starts with a Common Soul, which is AMAZINGLY flexible, to make their first character, if you want more, you can use Moonflower Coins to buy more Souls, to make more Characters!

You can also use these coins to buy items that effect the Game!

P&P takes inspiration from TTRPGs such as DND, GURPS, and especially Trophy Dark. Some systems, like Event, Quest, or Random Encounters that you can instigate once daily, rely on Dice Rolls, which is also automated!

so if you rolled well, you would get Coins or maybe, if you roll very well, a rare item, if you rolled poorly, nothing happens, and if you roll a critical failure, you would be Grievously Wounded, and barred from another Random Encounter until you heal using a Healing Potion (We call them Wishwound Syrup!), this will not effect your ability to roleplay, it is simply a 'status' so to speak to make the gamble more interesting!

Further examples may include buying weapons with special effects, such as giving you better dice roles in certain circumstances, as an example of that, there is an NPC with a weapon that gets +1 to dice rolls near the ocean!

To that end, P&P is a unique blend of Play By Post, or Play By Chat if that's all your up for, and TTRPG, we encourage active sessions that do not rely on a mod or 'GM' so to speak to be online at all times, that way the fun never pauses!

When you join, you will be given a Slot, you can then make a character, and join one of ten factions led by a unique God of the World, it is them you will do quests for...Mostly ;)

Which God you align with will give you access to special faction bases, visible only to those following that God, and Faction Areas have rooms for each character, in the literal sense, the gods provide housing haha!, what you do in your room is up to you, whether you just need a place for a one on one roleplay, or you want to idly post thoughts and musings.

What that means is we have public avenues of roleplay where everyone mingles, semi-private rooms where only your faction can interact, and a space just for you to use as you please!

And don't worry, you're not locked to one God, every character you make will be able to follow whoever you choose!

If it sounds interesting, give it a join, worst comes to worst, you can leave at any time!

And never fear, if you need long breaks, you won't be punished in any way. The creator of this game has a severe chronic illness, and we understand the need for time and space, whether you play every day, or you pop in once or twice every few months, you're welcome and we'll be excited to see you all the same, this is a space for everyone who has fun with it, however they may have fun with it, and no matter how often!

Wonderful, thank you for such a detailed explanation. I especially appreciate the understanding about those with chronic illness. I'll definitely come check things out when I have time.

No worries! Take your time, hope to meet you properly soon!