Comments on pixel comms [all open 06/11] All Comments

type of commission: 100x100 fullbody icon (no blink)

character reference: (ref is shaded. should be unwatermarked but lmk if it isn't!)

pose/expression/personality: he's a dream entity who enjoys stalking and terrorizing mortals in their sleep, if that helps! so something mischievous/menacing for the pose? id like the expression to stay the same as the ref ^^

paypal email: [email protected] (they are vouchering for me)

anything else?:

-figured id mention this since alot of ppl tend to miss this but his hair color is lighter than his body color ^_^

-also the chromatic aberration around his eyes is not optional!

-lmk if you have any questions, otherwise have fun!!


type of commission: 100x100 fullbody icon (no blink)

character reference: (ref is shaded. should be unwatermarked but lmk if it isn't!)

pose/expression/personality: he's a dream entity created from trauma/repressed memories, and encountering him guarantees restless sleep... so maybe something eerie/ominous yet melancholic? id like the expression to stay the same as the ref ^^

paypal email: [email protected] (they are vouchering for me)

anything else?:

-sparkles around his body is not optional, same with the chromatic aberration around the stripes on his tail!

-lmk if you have any questions, otherwise have fun!! ^^

sounds good!! invoice has been sent through now ^__^b

should be paid now!

tyty!! ill get these back to you as soon as possible ^__^b