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hed like

but thatd be very weird💀

Before sam met her blake wouldve begged him to be nice and respectful cuz he knows how he can be with strangers

he wants that lady to like sam 😭😭

Yeaaaaa- Sam would be lowkey thinking he's exageratting abt herrrrr

and then seeing her 

he'd freeze- just stare up at her

she'll just be looking down at him

Sam would quietly just begin to say what is that thing

and lady would then just be excited just look at blake like is that really the boy

then she's gonna go inspect 

and squish sams cheeks as always and smother him 

pfff yeaahhhhh

blake is gonna laugh at sam a bit

Sam can't breathe

he's gonna sit there out of breath after she lets  him go 

and glare at blake- his face is covered in the womans lipstick- and now his hairs messy >:(

how dare 

Spider lady is just excited thinks sam is adorable

💀 if sam ever met rin he'd hate him 

like say they all had a dinner that AU

flat out hate him

get along with marci just fine 

but Hate Rin 

bro rin would be just as nice as marci what did he do 😭😭

he would not have done anything rude or say anything hat wouldve made sam mad

Sam just disliked him 

Make a small comment or two 

He gets nothing but a bad feeling and also 

Just hates feminine men 

Like he doesn’t care let them be 

But being close with one irritates him 

He’s got lil issues

24 Replies