Comments on Bell/Jill All Comments

She's such a dreamiee aaaa can i maybe offer for her & your other design? I'm mainly interested in this black one though! I have this Knite design in case you might be interested-- if not i can offer anyone in these folders!

(♡ Secondary ♡)

(♡ Tertiary ♡)

(♡ Synth Insurgence♡)

(★♡ Uma Musume ♡★)

(★♡ For Trade ♡★)

Also not sure if you'd be interested in any of these babs as as well?

Akemi (✦Masvino Design)

🌹 | Princess Roselia

Fujiwara (✦Boingzoing Design)




Aaah, you have so many wonderfull characters, but unfortunatly I don’t think they will fit my stories :’0