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*peeks out* Hello. I'm doing pretty good. ;u; Kind of tired but good overall. How about you?

Helloooo, I hope you get enough rest but glad to hear you're doing pretty good tho U v U !!!!

ahaha i am dead inside and outside rip 8')))

Lmao I never get enough rest RIP. It's my anemia's fault though that I always feel exhausted. And man I feel you. Dead af xD

Oh man that sounds terrible with anemia OTLLL I'm glad you're mainly in good health tho right?!

Yes ;u; For the most part! And my sister is visiting so that's also good. How about you? What have you been up to?

Ahhh enjoying your sister's visit?! Ehh I'm tired with exams and trying to work harder in college orzzzz

I'm really stuck for money rn so I've been stressing over it and trying to make quick cash through adopt resells until I get accepted for a job :/

2 Replies