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"Just as any creature of the night, he takes more and demands more, never giving a inch." GOD i love that line. first thing that stuck out to me when reading his bio. its just <3 ugh. i love it. might steal it for myself (joking joking thats plagiarism and NOT OKAY !!!) he finds joy in both building and BURNING bridges???? thats very interesting and tells us a lot about him! at first i thought he would just a be a silly character, but no! hes darker tahan he looks. i think the fact he loves fighting even if he cant win is amazing. ALSO ALSO its so funny that hes literally ADMITTED to murdering people and being related to the mob and no one believing him.  oh! and in his backstory, how his family never TAUGHT HIM thats his actions were not normal and also not good they just ignored him?? and then was thrown into a river to drown ???? like i can see how that leads to him being how he is. plus how slyvias influenced turned him away from what couldve been a bad/worse path. also i just love the colours in the design. you dont see that shade of yellow often!