Comments on NEW TRADE /SALE: Sorochiey Tropicalsteppe sugaryu All Comments

Seems the creator is okay for them to be sold even if you traded for em, how much might your consider for Void? :00 

I don’t mind looking at USD offers, but I’d much rather trade them!
I honestly don’t know how much is fair / what they typically go for!

My other kiddo here I bought for 85! I think they tend to have a flatsale price somewhere more around.. 50-80, but I'd have to do some digging. 

I do still have trades here! Just nothing in your wishlist which is why I thought it better to try usd first. 

GORGEOUS UUGHH, there was one holographic one like that that slipped through my fingers via my own arrogance,,
one day I hope to get it, its the only one I really want lol. 

That’s a decent offer! I’ll hold off for now though and see if I can get a trade of one of the designers I’m seeking,
thank yoyu so much for offering! I’ll hit you up of there are no other tempting offers <3

THEY ARE,, SUCH A PAIN TO GET HAHA. No shade to the designer I mean, but they don't go out often and are usually snapped up within seconds. I wish you luck omg, I still can't believe I got one at all.

And sounds good!! I guess I'm willing to do something of a voucher if there's any designs from said designers up for sale, but I know that's a pain that requires you to look around. 

Just lmk, and thanks for considering!!

YEAH haha, I feel guilty of that too sometimes,, but I really can only do one a week lol!
Yeah I don’t mind that actually, lets me dig around and be REALLY sure I want something.
I’ll keep ya in mind!

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