Comments on ($20/Art/Trade) All Comments Start of Thread Parent

Sounds good to me,I can leave them pending for you now if you want! nvnb

By the way, a small question and I hope it doesn't bother you, but if so, sorry 'nvn'

Would you be willing to trade any of your Terraliens? I just wanted to ask because I'm interested in this one here (Just tell me if it's a yes or no, I respect if you say no nvnb) (I can also offer art! You can see examples of my art on my profile)

Sorry Rubix is a mega dreamie and i wont be trading them. Ill be sending this adopt over now

Oh! It's okay I understand, I guess just like the others so it's okay nvnb

Sure! Send the others and I will send mine now

Oh i though you were sending the first two for this one (Since this has so much art and is 20)

Could i send the one you sent back and just trade for the marshmallow one?

Oooh sure!

1 Replies