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Hi snow!! Can u give me the link of the code in ur profile??

Pls call me Xukii >:[/jnfr

I had IT on komputer and now i'm on phone do ill give IT to you later!

Seriously WHAT DO U EVEN WANT FROM ME ANYMORE!?!?; plus, i dont think xukii is original cause i ever heard that before


This seriously saddens me, I hv enough worries in my life, and I still think that I'm ur friend that you don't take seriously, I can barely cope in my IRL life anymore,,

Look , i take this seriously , i just can't control my emotions u know that , since i have this massive sick on 2022 i just get angry easily ย , that's why i have no friends at school, well they admit im their friend but they always prefer others than me im the only one who haven't any close friends , you still have best friends , i don't, especially things has been hard on my life that u can't imagineย 

after all this I felt REALLY sad, hmm, I can't watch my friends suffer, I admit I'm not doing well either, so I don't understand why people wouldn't be friends with a person like you? You seem really cool and nice, so you know, somebody can't reject someone just because they're different, I didn't had any friends at all,, I especially have HUGE sensitivity, so we're a bit similar, I don't know what to write next so that it doesn't sound like that like I don't care about you so you know...


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