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oh its quite alright you're not a bother at all! i should have provided links in the DNIs for anyone who doesnt know. Scott Cawthon is an open and proud bigot, unapologetic about being anti choice and voting for trump, he donated as much money as possible to all the republicans in america that are taking away rights for every minority, and when the fandom reacted appropriately, he whined about how he actually does care about his fans human rights but actually he knows better because trump was better for america lmao :") here's a tag on my tumblr that details things more!

Erin Hunter is actually the penname of three women, one of whom directly mocked me as a child and made me cry (thats personal though) the BIGGER problem is that they bastardized the various cultures of the first nations of america for the premise of the clans, the naming style, and several traditions sacred to them. this could be chalked up to simply not doing their research, but the depiction of the tribe of rushing water is just actually racist and they knew what they were doing stereotyping those cats in that way T o T they include canon incest in their books too and write women characters to be accessories/love interests mostly, and weird ableism like "fixing" cinderpelt. the biggest overall problem is the racism but the other problems permeate through the series really badly 

also youre not a bad person for enjoying these medias (theres a reason i keep these bases up for people to use!), its just important to remember where the creators biases and even bigotry can come through in it and affect all of us ^^ and dont give scott any money bc he'll just send it to people who want you dead :")

Tysm for explaining without getting mad. I did not know most of this and it really helps me understand stuff I didn’t know.

you're welcome! it's not your fault for not knowing something you dont know yet! thanks for listening :]