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i am so ashamed of myself :( I cannot resist. I am messed up. I just want to be happy and I fill my emotional emptiness with objects, but it doesn't work. it never does on the long run. I can't br happy even if my life is great, even if I have friends, family, a whole life to live, a healthy body, the life of a young man, food, a bed, everything.

everyone is gonna be disappointed, I always was the good son, the calm friend, the healthy one, the person who makes other feel better.

I am sorry, this is not who you should love. Sorry. Everyone I've ever damaged with my actions, sorry.

The employees at the supermarket, the owner of that shop, my friend who I thought gifting them a stolen gift would be a great idea. I am sorry to disappoint you and make you uncomfortable. I am not a criminal, right? I would never hurt you guys, you mean the world to me. You make my life feel more enjoyable.

I cannot fix it, I have already damaged multiple people by stealing. I am selfish. I am not funny or cool, this is wrong.

I will be stuck forever as a fucking shoplifter now. My younger sister would be upset and so disappointed.