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I don’t think it’s because people actually check (i don’t think there is a way to) i think it’s just that they like the security of knowing that no one is doing it because some peoples sonas are really important to them and to put them in “dreamies” implies kind of like they are an item to be traded around or something? Or like someone is hoping to get them from them? Dunno if that makes any sense, I don’t really care too much about it personally

There is a way to check but I seriously cannot imagine someone doing that every single time they get a favourite 😭 but you're probably right in that they likely just want the security that nobody is doing it

I CAN UNDERSTAND THAT but i think it falls in a similar vein as worrying abt follower count for me where its like ....why work urself up over it lol if u monitor that ur gonna just make urself miserable for literally no reason

Again I don’t think anyone is actually monitoring it, it’s just you feel safer that less people would be doing it if you ask them not to