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Would love to offer 2 full bodies, 1 headshot and 3 chibis!

Your art is so delightful, I'll gladly accept this ^^

Could you please do a full of Forestfire and Barkfur

A headshot of Ellis

And chibis of Crabclick, Mosquitosnap, and Greydawn!

Please take as much time as you need! Ill check up every now and then to see how your going ^^ Feel free to send through wips and such <3

I'll put the design in pending for you!!

Thank you so much!!🙏😖 Thank you for your patience, I still didn’t sketch the full bodies since I am still figuring out what pose I want to do with them (would appreciate ideas) but here are the sketches. If you wonder about the title being 1/3 sketch then it’s because it’s sketch 1 and through sketch one I will improve the image 2 more times :D

hey there!! I looked at them and they look awesome so far! ^^ As for poses for the fb, i honestly dont mind haha whatever inspires you! But the sketches look lovely so far, thankyou for sending them through! <3

Hey! I was on the middle of art for crabclick when I dropped it. Do you want me to continue with her sketch or make a new one?

Hi there! Up to you! I love the sketch you did already but if your not into it your more than welcome to do a new sketch <3 whatever is easiest for you

I’ll try to salvage it as much as I can!

Because the problem isn’t the sketch, the problem is that it was already drawn a bit on my old style aka no lines and almost 0 shadows so I would have to work to try get the lifeless colors be felt a bit with volume

thats all good! You can start a new piece if its easier, i really dont mind. Do whatever will be easiest for you <3