Comments on lf ship/interaction art All Comments

hiiii i know i like just finished up my owed art for you but I’d totally be down to draw them for usd :] drawing characters accurately is actually like a thing i care about a lot for my art so i won’t chibify rupture at all!! i’d consider art or usd more than trades but offer whatever if you’re interested!! ^^

how much art or usd would you be looking for? :O i love the work you just did for me!! 

For usd I’d probably say minimum $16 if you’d want it flat colored, and minimum $20 for rendered if that’s alright!!

 For art would you be down to also draw interaction art tho :3 if not that’s alright!! I’d probably want two chibi full bodies 

Mixed offers are also ok ^^

ill think abt it! :3c im a bit backed up on art right now otherwise id be happy to just do art but if i decide to comm i wanna wait for his proper ref to be done first >_<

No problem!!! Take as long as you need to decide ^^