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hello! now i really hope you don’t mind comments. i wanted to apologize for the other day when i made a mistake on a thread response, it was faulty on my part and i should’ve read better :’D

but i did decided to come back to your ocs, and honestly i wanted to say that your dragon characters are really interesting though! i actually had a fun time reading their bios, and if anything i would want to know more : O, if you’re okay with questions of course [mostly intrigued with obarian at the moment! seten’s also one of my favorites both design-wise and written-wise too! even if the boy didn’t get a sweet ending :(]. 

if i were to redo my response honestly, i’d say i’ll award you with most intriguing dragon lore really! i do hope to see more of your fellas around forums :]

You are SO sweet, omg :') Don't worry about that! You apologized and that's all what matters! :]

OHHH, this mean so so much to me, thank you so much <33Their bios arent even finished, I need to include SOO much more lore SDFJKSDFJK  SOMEONE WHO LIKES OBARION OMG- He's so underrated even tho she belonged to the main cast of the story! I LOVE questions!!


okay just opened toyhouse again, and well you too!! you’ve been awesome around these forums aaaaaa :D and yeah i get it! writing takes time, tho  i’d look forward to see more soon hehe… also here are some questions! featuring ashkan too because yeahh [he’s very interesting too btw]

  • so reading in the summary of book 2 and 3 from ashkan’s profile, were there dragons that are still around after the destruction of tirakyr? i wanted to know because in book 3 ashkan was still protecting dragons so  :O
  • when did askhan first knew about dragons? since they became his special interest 
  • what are obarion’s favorite things? does ashkan and obarion have a favorite memory together? 
  • and why does he dislike his brother noctus? 
  • also what are soul storages? i heard they’re an organ in dragons, but i’m curious with their function and how they work! 

I love it when people like my boy Askan, he is the mc for a reason!!

- Yes, they are! There are some left! Not that many tho! Most of them don't want to be "saved" or even being around Askan since they blame him and his curse for everything!
- DRagons are a common topic in society! Askan was tau8ght that they eat your souls and cause destruction and harm but he never understood why since they aren't studied well. Especially, since 100s of years ago, there was peace. So, he read and read about them but never seeing one in real life. Only knowing them from books. Until he met Obarion!
- Obarion loves flying shows in the night! Very dark dragons would paint patterns on their scales and have a choreography in the sky! You cant see the dragons then, only the glowing paint! There are also daytime shows, most of the time many dragons having a choreo and performing! Their fav memory ... Probably one were they just went stargazing!
- Noctus is in charge of the dragons and whole Tirakyr. He forces Obarion to play along with his lines and manipulates him. While Noctus wants a genocide, Obarion thinks there are other ways. Ways, that don't include lying, pretending a dragon guard prophecy would exist.
- This is kinda complicated! It’s connected to their heart. Dragons Are Soul constructs, meaning that they only have a physical form when they have enough Souls stored in their storage. Without, they would wither and become dirty Souls. No Life personality and their Soul would die. It’s a curse the Species got by the goddess of peace »Fri’tur«. She was the only one who wanted power, so she reduced their power and disabled them, restricted them, by having to live off Souls.

yeah! also just some thoughts back below :]
- ohhh i see! tho i do wonder, are dragons and non-dragons still in good terms since? even if they don’t like askan, do they still tolerate the other non-dragons?
- FLYING SHOWS SOUND SO COOL… especially the ones in night! genuiney makes me wanna watch one ngl
- ooooo interesting! curious, what do “souls” mean in this universe? and how do dragons get enough to store them :0


- Dragons tolerate only the Dragon Guards! (Askans organization) + the free rebel fraction. But that's it. Many of the dragons got killed by humanoids, so they avoid them. Many dragons like the rest of Askans group but don't want to be associated with them. Some think they all are horrible
- I need to draw flying shows one day ... Or the dragons in paint SDJKSDK Would be so sick
- MY TIME TO SHINE!!! Every living creature has a soul. (Except for dragons, they exist of a soul basically, their whole body is a formed soul). Usally there is one giant Soul storage in their Homeland Tirakyr. Just by living in Tirakyr, the Dragons get filled with the Souls. The central Soul storage is Build like a giant crystal, to protect it from Harm. It’s a cycle. Just by exisiting, Dragons fill the Soul storage. The More dragons, the stronger the central Soul storage. They can save souls in their soul storage (their organ) tho! But they can only survive for a few months - years when they are outside of Tirakyr!
--> But there are also the dragons of sungai! They escaped from Tirakyr 100 years ago and adapted. There is a folk (which hasnt a name yet), the crystal people. They live together! And this folk has something called a "soulreader"! (-> Tama) This soul reader reads the souls of humanoids + dragons and saves a a bit of the ENERGY of the soul in their crystal on their hand (other crystal ppl dont have this). With that, soulreaders are able to modify the soul of the dragons of sungai. They don't need Tirakyrs soulstorage by that, only the energy of the souls, provided by the soulreader weekly! ( A LOT of work for them tho)