Comments on awful news : fly high buddy All Comments

Stress in and of itdelf can cause a bird to pass away...we may not ever know.. im so sorry this has happened..but as well as that, you wernt entirely sure that a situation like this would even be possible...don't hate on yourself so hard for what happened..kts still going to hurt, yes...but it's not your fault. Animals are unpredictable to an extent..and accidents happen. You did your best to care for and love him, thats what matters. Tipp the end he knew you loved him, i know this because he seeked you for comfort. He did pass, but i guarentee he passed happy knowing that you loved and cherished him.

If anyone gets pissy at yku for taking a break on art, i dont think you should do trades with them any longer. This isnWAY more important then artwork. Take all the time you need to deal with this loss...your personal mental health comes first and formost before anything. Take care of yourself, we'llĀ  be here <3<3

tysm :)