Comments on TH PURGE (OPEN) All Comments

Hey would art interest you for these characters?

Kieran (chibis or/and normal style halfbody/fullbody)

Doozie (1 chibi)

Durak (1 chibi)

Grape (chibis or/and normal style halfbody)

Super unsure about the amount and type of art tho. I could totally do for whatever you suggest


oh em gee ur art is SO KEWL!!!... wld u b able to ddo someting in the range of 1-3 chibis (basing this off his amount of art) for grape?? BUT like the amount is totally up to u tho^_^

Thanks for the compliment!!!!! Sounds fair! Can I have your opinion on the others first? I don't want to overwork myself too much so it would be nice to know how much it would be for everyone to decide!


np!!!! nd I FORGOT to say this but sadly the only one id rly be looking at art for out of them all wld be grape😭🙏for the others i js dont think id wccept art for them rn(

No worries! Then I'm up for doing 2 chibi for Grape! (●’∇’)♪


AWESOME!!!.🔥🙏 js wondering are u able to do these 2?......mayb

5 Replies