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Hello! Hope you're doing well, i was wondering if you have time or would be interested in an art trade ? :] if not that's perfectly fine/nm

HI HI HELLO OMG !!!! I am so so aorry ab the late reply ,, I WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO !!! 🥺❤️❤️❤️ ur art is like so so yummy i would absolutely b down 2 trade holy heck!!!!

ur so sweet omg and it's all good don't worry !!! :3 AWHGEH THANK YOU URS IS TOO <33 do you have a discord? maybe we can communicate on there if you'd like !!/nf

AGGHHGVNNVNVNV. my delays r atrocious,, I DO HAVE A DISCORD THAT WUD 100% BE BETTER 4 ME TO COMMUNICATE W !!! my discord is foxmaws !! Again im so so sorry i take so long 2 do like anything,,!!!