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HONESTLY so long as you're having fun I think you should be allowed to do nothing but frolic in the fandom trenches for as long as you'd like. weeks months years whatever floats yer boat gjklnSFDKLS COMMS AND OC ART BE DAMNED them Fandoms are Fun and I Do not blame you (plus quite frankly I've been enjoying seeing all the art Regardless if I have all the context or not Gene are is Gene art) 

ANYWAY THOUGH I'm gunna be Real specific and mention that I'd LOVE to see more of Jupiter and by extension more Valentine. I'm extremely normal about their Super Tragic Super Emotional Super Divorce Deluxe and who knows maybe there's NOT more to it but I'm looking at them with my big ol eyes anyway. Maybe it's his delightfully manicured mustache but Jupiter just looks like a super sweet fella. ;; IF not them, second place character request go to Elliot Kim!! Her whole Thing she's got going sounds really intriguing :D I simply cannot resist the charm of a young woman in Extreme Duress gSFJKDKSFLDJNKS

Edit: OH ALSO LITERALLY ANYTHING WITH EMERALD EYE AND/OR DR. WIZARD. I adore these goofy villains they're incredible and I would happily (theoretically) do a backflip for more content with them :]

WEKJHDGJDKFHG THIS IS TRUE !! I'm very much enjoying the fandom times, and I'm glad people like my wacky ass fanart KDSJFH and im glad that even non-fans are enjoying what i make even without context KDSJHFDS

BUT yeah. First of all I'm obsessed with the phrase 'super tragic super emotional super divorce deluxe' and I think I need to add that to my everyday lexicon right away??????????? SDFSDSFGHGF yeah I should make more stuff about them... I'm pleasantly surprised people are interested in Jupiter!! He's just there for backstory purposes but I can't blame yall, he's a delightful little man :') IT MAY JUST BE a simple divorce, but I do think (and HOPE) that the implications surrounding it says a lot about these two's outlooks and attitudes towards one another... So I'm always happy when people look at em with those big ol eyes. Either way yes I'd love to talk about them more hehe >:]

SAME for elliot kim I've been rotating her recently tbh!! When people talk about women being in situations she's the lady they're talking about /lh BUT yeah I'm truly a little bit obsessed with her whole thing. I need to draw her getting some sleep for real

Emerald Eye and Doc Wizard are some brilliant picks as well!! I seriously need to make some stuff for their story too KJSDFH