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would this guy be alright? :]
second character would be one of my friends character/fursona if your able to do them aswell!

(extra files + updated ref sheet::

yeah i can do that! feel free to send the other ref too :D

extra files include it^^

Also feel free to send over a trade request on CS and I’ll accept it whenever I’m on next! :]

i was finishing this up and realized i never asked if you wanted marlow to be clothed or anything-? omg i cant believe i forgot u-u lmk if u do! it wont be too much of a change so i should be able to finish by tomorrow at the latest :D

kkkkkkkk completely up to you if you wanna make him clothed or not!! generally don’t have any preference^^;;

sounds good !! :D gime til tmrw mornin and i should be done!

ALRIGHT lmk if u need any changes or anything!! :D ill send the trade in a sec :3

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