Comments on Minnie [temp name] All Comments

i got a mini bio for em :3 i hope i can adopt em too,

Name: pip/droplet, :3, or wammy? :3, Liked things: shopping, mostly getting cute outfits and things to relax in, :3, they like tea, and iced teas, they love their pets named riri, its a cat :3, and a spider named maxie :3, Hobby/job: they teach kids and other people how to swim, and their hobby is Reading, tho mostly books with mystery or slight romance, but mostly mystery :3, Disliked things: they dont like rude/loud people 'like sudden loud noises', they dont like litter, they like clean things more, they dislike smoking and they dislike overly bitter things,

they are pan and genderfluid, and they have a crush on a friend of theirs, :3 they also go by He/they, or She/it, most :3,

and they got a mom and a nice sister, ^^