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I am definitely still interested but rn I am broker than broke 😅 

I could wait till you're better off monetarily if you'd like, unless I get a higher offer with instant payment but I doubt that'll happen lol


Heya! Was wonderin if you had a time frame for when you would have money for Hex? I got a cool offer I'm kinda considerin but I wanna still let you know to be fair!

An ef4 tornado hit my home and destroyed half my home town....I won't be able to buy it-....I'm sorry-....I would if I could, I really want to, but I just...I cant

Good LORD do NOT apologize to me for that, that is a tragedy and I'm so sorry it happened to you, I understand 100% please focus on yourself, your family and your wellbein, I'm so so so sorry this happened to you

4 Replies