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>Has a fear of deep water. When he was a child, due to an accident with his magic and tinkering, he was accidently propelled straight into a lake. Even going into shallow waters makes him nervous and he has to wade in super slow

>Prob has one 'normal' friend that he's super close too and trusts deeply. The Rosie to his Alastor or the Watson to his Sherlock

>He has to physically stop himself from dismantling intricate or ancient machienary—that's not his

>He sings/ hums when he's working, sometimes even dances a little! His singing is quite horrid to be honest while his dance are silly—but Ambrose never said anything because it is genuinely hilarious and amusing to watch

>He has British accent. Maybe something like this dude? Unironically his personality is a little like your bab too lol