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Hello hello! I really love these two sisters! <3

I came up with the perfect idea of how these two wonderful sisters are going to be used! Especially since I've been longing to expand on my love for Chinese culture as much as my Japanese culture! <3

So Rin-Rin and Fen-Fang will debut in the Lucifer Ark with a plotline dedicated entirely to them! The two are children with an unknown past, as they were taken in by their unseen sensei. The sensei, aware of the present day, refuses to let them play outside for long, as although their dojo is isolated from modern society, someone from the Chinese government may attempt to destroy the dojo and brainwash the kids into forgetting their traditional form. While in the sensei's custody, the two sisters learn the ancient arts of kung fu, testing their skills and strengths on wooden dummies to ensure their effectiveness does not go in vain.

The sensei, while an efficient trainer, is a very calm and patient person, due to his age. He loves to share wisdom with his two disciples, along with stories of what it was like before the rise of modern society.

"Ahhh, how the days were glorious back then…Our magistrate was a very sweet man, rather pudgy, I should say, but very sweet. He made sure all the people of our county were happy, inviting them to several occasions, perhaps joining them for tea, and he even held a special event for all the lovely children: Whomever caught the most fish by the dock would get a day to themselves in the yards of his koi pond. The children loved him, yes, and they especially loved seeing the beautiful koi in his yard."

"Sensei, did you get to see the koi?" Rin-Rin asked.

"Yes, I only won one of his fishing contests, but that one day was a day I would treasure forever. I slurped up noodles carefully while eyeing the beautiful fish, and I even got the chance to feed them."

"Why was the magistrate so obsessed with fishing, sensei?" Fen-Fang asked.

"Why, it was a way to get people excited about helping us townspeople eat. Fish is good in protein, and will make us and all of China stronger than the others!"

A picture was always covered up by a red, silky, curtain. The sensei believed that when the two sisters had realized their true potential and mastery of the arts of kung fu, that they may see the picture and realize the legacy of which they have been bestowed.

Soon, the sensei knew it was time for the girls to get some company when the sensei went to harvest crops or catch fish a few miles down by the water. So, in order to ensure the girls wouldn't get lonely or bored to the point that they feel the need to go far outside, he got a tiny boar for them. The two of them decided to name the tiny boar "Zhū-Zhū." The two would always play around with it, catching it while it ran around the dojo, and soon they were able to responsibly feed it.

Everything seemed all happy for the girls and their sensei…or was it?

Every night of the seventh lunar month (which typically falls between July and August for us), the three must worry about the hungry ghosts that fly about, as well as the jiangshi that hop about, with some even claiming that they were long-lost sisters of Rin-Rin and Fen-Fang.

(A little lesson for you all: Jiangshi are a sort of mix between zombies and vampires that tend to move via hopping. In Chinese folklore, Jiangshi originate when someone's soul fails to leave their body after death, due to dying improperly, or by offing themselves. They could also just refuse to leave the body to simply cause trouble. Another method of becoming a Jiangshi is if another existing Jiangshi injures you or steals your qi (life force), in which you are then infected with the "Jiangshi virus" in which it slowly turns you into one of them. The only ways to kill a Jiangshi are to stab them in the heart with birch branches, or by killing the spellcaster who reanimated the jiangshi from the dead, which is typically done by a Daoshi, or a Taoist priest.)

The jiangshi always manage to find the dojo, however they aren't that skilled at breaking in, in which they instead attempt to guilt trip the girls inside into letting them in and stealing their qi. However, the sensei would strictly tell them not to let anyone in under any circumstances.

This…is where we get to the present day.

The main team ends up in China after Lucifer, the main antagonist of the Lucifer Ark, sends them back up to the Overworld. There, at night time, they proceed to get ambushed by jiangshi, but when the team tries to fight back against the hopping horrors, they realize nothing is working against them. So, they decide to run, heading towards the isolated dojo after a while of running through the middle of nowhere.

They plead for the owners to let them in, however the sensei tells them all to hop off a cliff, believing they were jiangshi.

The girls hop onto the walls, looking through the windows.

"Sensei! Those people are alive! They might get hurt out there!" Fen-Fang alerted.

"They are not jiangshi-!?" The sensei exclaims in shock, opening the sliding doors by a crack and ushering the team to get in one by one to avoid a jiangshi accidentally slipping through. The sensei slides the doors back after all of them slip through.

 "Are you young people alright-?" The sensei asks, before suddenly being cut off with the sliding doors crashing down.

It was Levi, Lucifer's hellish messenger, looking down upon the main team as he, along with the rest of the jiangshi came inside.

"Message from His Majesty: 'You all shall perish before me, His Royal Messenger.' Indeed, I was the one who reanimated a surplus of Jiangshi on this frightening night. His Majesty knew that you would find solace at this isolated dojo. Now we have the whole place surrounded! Your journey ends here, valiant ones, all you can do now is watch, as everyone around you perishes a slow and painful death…But who knows? You might all make marvelous jiangshi!"

The jiangshi slowly hop their way towards the team, as they wonder how this all came to be. Was this truly the end..?

The sensei attempted to combat against the jiangshi using kung fu, but he sprained his ankle easily due to his old age. The sisters gasp as they watch the jiangshi slowly approach the sensei, about to be infected with the Jiangshi virus, and soon have his life force stolen…


The two sisters desperately channel all of the energy inside of them in hopes that they could somehow take out the jiangshi, perhaps even Levi, the one that reanimated them all…and with their empowered determination and their channeled power, the two unleash their new forms: Dragons, As the two swipe Levi and burst through the walls of the dojo. The two dragons drag Levi on the ground to mess up his taur legs, before breathing fire (Rin-Rin) and ice (Fen-Fang) at him, cooking him, before freezing him into an ice cube. Finally, the two flick the ice cube, as the Levi-popsicle shatters across the ground.

And with that, all of the jiangshi completely freeze up and drop to the ground. The main team flees the dojo after that.

Rin-Rin and Fen-Fang finally turn back into their human selves, to which the sensei looks…rather pleased.

"My students…you have done it. You have finally found your true potential. It is about time that I finally show you your legacy…"

The sensei goes up to the red curtain-covered picture, slowly unveiling it to the two sisters. It was a picture of the Lotus Prince Nezha.

"My students…Your ancestor from the Shang Dynasty is Nezha, regarded as one of the fiercest warriors in all of China! As you have realized your true potential… I believe your ancestor would be more than happy to know about his family finally learning the art of the dragon."

The two look up at the picture in awe, realizing that they have finally mastered their form of kung fu with the art of the dragon.

"You two are finally ready…Go, find your ancestor in another world, he would be most ecstatic about your arrival…"

The two knew that their time with the sensei was over, but now, it was time to find their only living ancestor. The two turned into dragons once more, flying off across the lands of China, bringing their boar Zhū-Zhū along for the ride, in search for the Lotus Prince Nezha…

And that, I believe would conclude their plotline in the Lucifer Ark! I would be more than ecstatic to take them in and allow the two sisters to help me expand my knowledge on Chinese culture like Nezha has done for me, as well as link them together to make their stories connect in a touching reunion after the main story of the Lucifer Ark is over. Thank you for reading this far, and I wish you a blessed day! <3

hi sure absolutley :3

Finished with the writing submission! I hope you enjoy! <3