Comments on doodle creature - OTA All Comments Start of Thread Parent

Quick question! For characters like raevelt whos species is an animal (husky), do you want me to draw them more human or in my more anthro style? Ie a more human face vs an animal face

mmh a more human like face would be preferred if that's not a present problem :D

Yeah thats totally fine! I had assumed so but wanted to double check anyways ^^

Ive actually got some stuff finished to upload rn, I left the bgs transparent so if you wanted smth specific for anything it'd be easy to add in, but I can def add a simple bg to any of em if you want

oh no no dw they're fine this way too! Btw tysvm I already love those you sent me!

I'm glad you like em! I've got one more lineless headshot planned if that's fine with you

ye tysvm!

3 Replies