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some crazy lil guys idk I think you deserve to live

uh if you die I won't have anyone to talk to

also, suicide really hurts. there is no such thing as a 'painless' death. I can assure you that. suicide isn't easy, and failed attempts will land you in worse places than where you are right now.

I know it hurts so much, it could very well hurt forever, but you at least have a chance for things to improve. I know you're just looking for a way out of it. it'll come, even if it takes a very long time. death will not give you the hope you're looking for. it's agony. I have been on the verge of death before, and even though I wanted it more than anything, the terror and anguish it brought were like nothing else.

once a hamburger saved my life you won't get to know how if you kill yourself.

there are soooo many kittens and they neeeed you scout. they love you. they are so small.

if you die you can't have your favorite food anymore. and I can't send you cat gifs.

I would miss you and I think that would make you slightly guilty.

it is tough and it is horrible and you feel like you're dead already. there is no sun at the end of the tunnel. you've tried everything but it won't let you go. only death will free you from the suffering you're drenched in. I know how that feels. it is a mental disease. that isn't something that's wrong with you- you just physically can't get better at the moment. it's a disease, don't let it kill you. you deserve better. happiness will come back someday. it took several years for me, but I'm finally okay. I know it sounds empty, but I promise you that it'll let go and you'll be able to breathe again.

only badasses survive depression, n' I know you're that cool. it is *tough,* but I know you'll beat it. eventually. strength isn't overcoming something, it's hanging onto that ledge until someone finally manages to help you back up. get therapy, okay? good therapy, someone that you actually like. it's worth it.

thank you, wasp. this means a lot. 

I'm here for you if you ever need more. <3