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Ooh wow this is really cool! I think this would be fun for an au! Maybe Yam is a resident of sugarville but became aware of how strange this place is, and picks up on how Milky Way doesn't seem to fit in!

Yeah that sounds super cool! Milky is currently residing in the D.A.H.F (Dreams and Hopes Factory) which is basically a big factory where rainbows and happy pills are created (pills that allow citizens to feel happy, in case they freak out too much) and he could really use some friend in this world!

ah I may not be able to join in on that part, as the happy pill stuff falls in line with my medical fear, I'm sorry about that!!

Oh yeah! Sorry about that, it’s not exactly a big part of the story and u don’t have to be a part of it! It’s okie so dw!