Comments on pixel comms [all open 06/11] All Comments

honkai character pulls is so real anyway

Type of Commission: Pixel Pagedolls
Character Reference:
pose/expression/personality: Despite being from great lineage, he's very playful and mischievous. Neglects his duties as duke and is seen as a nuisance since he likes to (usually harmlessly) mess with people's emotions. Pose wise I'd like something (like the image linked, credit to where it can still hold regality as well as a sense of playfulness (which can be shown through his close eyed smile alone) or whatnot. I trust your judgement   
paypal email: [email protected]
anything else?: Amaziah has long hair with a loose bun as his half up half down style as shown in his first image as his roblox reference may be hard to view (apologies  let me know if youd like a view at any individual items). Also I'd like his face to stay how it looks in the roblox reference because ideally he doesn't open his eyes and permanently has a smile on his face. Many thanks!

more than happy to take this on, but i dont see the image you linked for the pose!! if you can send that through ill shoot you over an invoice :]

okay awesome!! ill send an invoice through in just a second :]

Apologies on the tardiness, I was out celebrating— just paid that!

no worries at all!! tysm, ill get this back asap :]

1 Replies