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hello! could I get with extra art? payment would be through PayPal!

hello! of course, pls send the money here and i will transfer this bean to you! do you have any pose in mind or want me to draw with full creative liberty?

apologies for the late response! I'm unfortunately missing 5 USD on my PayPal, because my card got blocked which I found out when I was about to pay, so I'll need to fix it or borrow the remaining 5 USD from someone tomorrow. you can leave him open until then, I don't mind! I also don't mind sending the 10 USD today as a down payment and then the remaining 5 USD when I get the money (likely by 8PM CEST time on 10th May) if you'd prefer that instead.

I apologise again for this inconvenience! if he's still open by the time I get the remaining funds, I'll let you know about the posing then.

hello! I've fortunately been able to get the remaining money I would need for him, so let me know if he's still available and I'll send it over!

as for posing, he can look hurt or distant, or really anything along those lines, so mostly creative liberty! I don't really mind even if you do something different from what I mentioned as well.

so sorry for the delay!! yes, they are still available <33 you can send the money over and i will transfer this bean after receiving it! i will have the fullbody finished max next Saturday and send it to you!!

ah, wonderful! payment should be sent!

feel free to take your time with the art, I don't mind waiting even if it takes longer!